Thursday, March 5, 2009

Murphy's Law

Of course since I enjoyed my relaxation time so much, it had to come back to bite me in the butt.

Tom is back to being grossly sick, and Aiden spiked an even higher fever and can't breathe out of his little nose because it's so stuffy and runny. To put things into perspective - he usually goes to bed around 7/7:30 but no later than 8pm every night, all depending on how tired he is. After shopping all day with my mom and I, he came home at 7:30 completely exhausted and still managed to scream and cry for two and half more hours, mostly because he couldn't breathe. My poor baby is completely miserable with yet another cold/flu and there's not a whole lot I can do about the situation.

I may end up having to take yet another day off from work to care for my ill child and cart him off to the doctor for what seems like the hundredth time. Tom is too sick to care for him, and my mom has taken care of him more than enough lately, plus is not comfortable watching him when he's this sick. I really don't wanna have to leave my co-workers in yet another bind, and I hate coming across as an unreliable employee, but I have to do what's best for my son too.
Being a working mom is way harder than I ever imagined.

Farewell calm and laziness. I will miss you.

Relaxation - I Forgot it Existed

I feel a little guilty saying this, but I am currently Aiden-free and loving it. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby more than what may be a healthy amount, but this thing called relaxing is absolutely wonderful.
Let me explain how this came to be...
I had managed to dodge the cold/flu season up until this point, which is quite a miracle considering how many sick people I was around, all the germy money I deal with on a daily basis, and my immune system being low after having Aiden. Apparently living together causes Tom and my germs to mix and mingle a little more, so I officially caught his sickness. I was miserable yesterday morning and Aiden woke up with a small fever (which we still don't know the source of), so I decided to call into work. In a pool of exhaustion, I decided to hike it over to my mom's house so she could spend some quality time with her grandson while I slept (win-win situation!) Around 5 o'clock she entertained the idea of keeping him overnight which at first I was completely against. After thinking about it, though, I decided that a brief sleep-over might not be so bad for anybody involved. Aiden loves spending time with his granparents (and his puppy Zoe) - especially when it's at the house he used to live in and feels the most comfortable in. I needed some serious R&R, and my parents needed some serious Aiden time. I left at 6:30 knowing that he'd be going to sleep soon and I'd be seeing him right away in the morning.

Now, for a list of all the wonderful things that happened between then and now:
  • Tom and I ate dinner together, at the same time, without having to rush because Aiden was tired of not being held and entertained
  • We got a few things organized, together, without having to stop constantly to console a crying Aiden
  • I laid in bed and read a book while Tom played the xBox
  • I fell asleep by 9:30, even after doing all the above listed
  • I slept in until 9am and didn't feel guilty about it
  • I was able to go about my leisurely pace and do whatever I wanted after waking up without being interrupted
  • I got a nice shower in and took my time doing my hair and makeup
  • I still had another full hour to sit, do nothing, write in this blog, watch TV, etc.
Basically, I returned to life as it was pre-baby. This was the first time I was able to truly relax since having him because all of the other times I've felt guilty for leaving him and missed him terribly.

I am now awaiting his return, which will put an end to all of this wonderfulness - but I'm excited to see his wonderfulness in exchange.

Hurray for relaxing!!!