Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Color is a basic human need…Like fire and water, A raw material, Indispensable to life.

This week is a big week. Why? Well, it's all because my grandmother decided to get married on Saturday, and she chose my parents house as the venue. What originally started as a casual fall wedding, has now evolved into a huge shindig that everybody (and then some...) is attending. Yes, even my brother and his girlfriend are flying in from Nowhere, Kansas tomorrow so they can delight in the party.

A trip to my house is first on the agenda for the week. Naturally this means that I need to kick it into high gear and get it "show-worthy." There was no way people would be coming to our house before I had the living room painted, so off we ran to Home Depot. After much deliberation (and about $25 spent purely on paint samples), we finally chose a color and embarked on our mission (see above the fireplace for a partial tasting of the samples).

9 hours later, and voila!

The 'before' shot (Aiden is an added bonus)

Our finished product, minus any decor

This project was only made possible with the ridiculously tall ladder and a trooper for a boyfriend. He stood on that ladder for hours in order to tape, paint the edges, and the roll the walls. (And no, he doesn't usually wear those ridiculous socks with shorts but apparently he thought he was being funny)

Now, I'd REALLY love to get the kitchen painted too, but I think Tom might have a heart attack if I bring that up. I guess we'll see....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Spoiler Alert!

To anybody who is being invited to Aiden's party...don't look at these pictures!

To all others: Enjoy! Here's a sneak peek at what's been ordered so far....

The invites (hopefully being printed and shipped very soon)

Table decorations

Favor tags


Door sign

Photo banner

I can't believe the date is creeping up on us so quickly!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I hardly have time to think lately.

Cleaning. Midterms. Fall festivities. Decorating the new house. Cleaning. Aiden's 4 day (and counting!) diarrhea. Outfits for Boston. Cleaning. Laundry. Buy this. Return that. Freaking out about career directions. Groceries. Eyebrow wax. Cleaning.

That's my life. One thing to the next. No looking back, no looking too far ahead - it's just one moment at a time.

We leave for Boston in...oh...39-ish hours. Surreal? Yes. Luckily it's only an overnight stay that doesn't require an enormous amount of effort because we have zero ability to focus on something so minute right now. I was able to steal a half an hour at the mall last night to pick out an outfit, but I've already decided it's being returned for something a bit more...me. Trying to fit a second trip to Express in will be entertaining.

Aiden has blessed us with four smelly days of diarrhea and shows no signs of stopping. Take the smell of rotten hard-boiled eggs about 50 times and that's how bad his diapers smell from across the room. His poor little bottom is bright-red from it all. His pediatrician finally gave some ideas on how to put a kabosh to this whole ordeal so I'm hoping this is over by the time we leave. Apparently he has to stop producing tears before they really care about this diarrhea business. A bit extreme I think.

Most of the midterms for my classes have been posted. I'm ignoring them until I get back from our overnight rendezvous, which I will most likely regret. Why can't these professors just realize that there's no time for exams?! ::sigh::

Monday, October 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Yes, I am still alive. It's a miracle but we made it through the moving process sans any major catastrophes.

I love my new home. Maybe love isn't even the right word....I ADORE my new home!

Tom and I are probably in the "honeymoon phase" of living here still, but we constantly comment about the little things that make this place so freakin awesome. Our favorite thing so far? It's so QUIET! Nobody above us, nobody below us, and for the moment, nobody next to us! The only noise we hear is the noise we create. What a concept!!

Everything has fallen into place so perfectly and I don't think I could be any happier. I see us living here until we're able to buy a house and that's a nice feeling. It's going to take some time and some work to make it feel like ours but that's half the fun.

The majority of our boxes are unpacked, so I decided to get after painting Aiden's room right away. He's having some difficulty adjusting to his new house so I'm hoping that making his room nice and cozy will help him settle in better. It took me 4 hours yesterday to tape everything off, paint around the trim and cieling, and roll the walls and another hour today to slap a 2nd coat on. When Tom got home we put everything back together and even got the curtains up. I am SO HAPPY with it! The color turned out to be perfect.

We're hoping to tackle the living room next weekend which will be a huge undertaking. The cielings in part of the room are about 16 ft high so I'm really not looking forward to painting them. Color on the walls is necessary though.

Here's a little peak at Aiden's room. It looks so much better in person - the flash is throwing everything off

Boston in 10 days!!!!