A trip to my house is first on the agenda for the week. Naturally this means that I need to kick it into high gear and get it "show-worthy." There was no way people would be coming to our house before I had the living room painted, so off we ran to Home Depot. After much deliberation (and about $25 spent purely on paint samples), we finally chose a color and embarked on our mission (see above the fireplace for a partial tasting of the samples).
9 hours later, and voila!

The 'before' shot (Aiden is an added bonus)

Our finished product, minus any decor

This project was only made possible with the ridiculously tall ladder and a trooper for a boyfriend. He stood on that ladder for hours in order to tape, paint the edges, and the roll the walls. (And no, he doesn't usually wear those ridiculous socks with shorts but apparently he thought he was being funny)
Now, I'd REALLY love to get the kitchen painted too, but I think Tom might have a heart attack if I bring that up. I guess we'll see....