Okay, I know the judgmental freaks that this rant is intended for will most likely never come across this blog. I'm at peace with that. But I need it to get it out anyway.
This is for the group of old ladies at Applebees who stared at my huge basketball belly as I walked through the restaurant to my table with disgusted looks. For the lady and her boyfriend who stood behind me in the line at Target and whispered about my age. For anybody who has ever glared at me with their judgmental, "just another stupid teen mom" eyes.
I'm well aware that a lot of young moms are irresponsible, immature, and completely NOT ready to be caring for a child. I'm aware that a lot of them aren't bringing babies into a stable environment, and a lot of them are still depending on their own mommies and daddies to provide food, clothing and shelter for them plus their babies. I'm even more aware that most young moms are more concerned about going out and having a good time than staying home and caring for the lives they chose to create. Believe me, those people piss me off just as much as they piss any of you off.
Hear this: I am not some high school whore who forgot to use a condom one drunken night. No, my baby wasn't planned, but why does that matter? What? There's no ring on my finger? Right-o! I didn't run off with my baby daddy and get married the second the pregnancy test came back positive, and no, the guy I'm with is not my latest boy-toy. You awkwardly ask if he's the father as the three of us are out together, as if it's some huge shock that a girl so young would still be with the father of her baby. After all, all young women with babies get knocked up by random flings. Also a shocker? I have my own apartment, I go to school, AND I take care of my child. I also don't pawn my baby off on my parents so I can go get drunk with my friends.
So how about this? Stop staring and wipe that disapproving look off your smug face. Some people in this world ARE responsible and making good decisions, despite the fact that they're ::gasp:: young!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Rollin in the Dough
So I'm completely drowning myself in the blogging world lately. It's so fascinating! One blog links to another blog which links to another blog...and before I know it I have 50 browser windows open to different blogs and sites and I'm signing up for god-knows-what. There's a whole blogging world out there that I want in on!
Since I'm a mom, and even more importantly, a broke mom, I'm totally loving chelsea said so right now. I'm now earning small amounts of money just by entering in information about myself and then staring at ad's - I earned $1.15 in about 5 minutes. Granted that's not going to get me a down payment on a house, BUT, it's more money than I had 5 minutes ago. And anything helps. Right after that I signed up for this thing called Swagbucks (see ugly thing on right hand side of page), which is basically a search engine that pays you to - you guessed it - SEARCH for things. It doesn't pay with every search, but eventually it should add up and I can cash in my swagbucks for a cool gift card or something.
What did people ever do without the internet?
Since I'm a mom, and even more importantly, a broke mom, I'm totally loving chelsea said so right now. I'm now earning small amounts of money just by entering in information about myself and then staring at ad's - I earned $1.15 in about 5 minutes. Granted that's not going to get me a down payment on a house, BUT, it's more money than I had 5 minutes ago. And anything helps. Right after that I signed up for this thing called Swagbucks (see ugly thing on right hand side of page), which is basically a search engine that pays you to - you guessed it - SEARCH for things. It doesn't pay with every search, but eventually it should add up and I can cash in my swagbucks for a cool gift card or something.
What did people ever do without the internet?
Financial Aid EXCITEMENT
Well, everything with school and money (or lack thereof) seems to finally be coming together quite nicely. Obviously until I'm sitting in a desk, with tuition and books paid and money in the bank I'm not going to be completely de-stressed about the whole situation, but so far everything appears to be in working order. My financial aid award still has not come, so I made a stop over at the school today to see if I could get the low-down on what my status is and when I'm going to know anything about anything. I got lucky and actually had a helpful person answering my questions, who told me I'm pretty much getting the maximum amount of everything - it's just a matter of time. Apparently enrollment is up 20% and employment is down, so things aren't really getting done as quickly as they should be. Including my financial aid. She gave me some numbers and I filled out a request to take out the maximum amount in loans, and based on all of that I feel extremely comfortable with our money woes. We have another month or two to get through where we're barely scraping enough together to pay the bills, but after that it should be pretty smooth sailing.
And the best part of all of it? We should have enough money to move into our dream apartment at The Lodge. Especially if I pick up a lazy part-time job for a little extra cash, it's more than do-able. I'm beyond ecstatic except for the fact that we have another seven months in our current dump before we can even consider a move.
According to the lady at the school, I should hear something by August 10th. I doubt it'll happen, but I guess we'll see.
Now, lets just hope everything continues down this path of zero problems.
And the best part of all of it? We should have enough money to move into our dream apartment at The Lodge. Especially if I pick up a lazy part-time job for a little extra cash, it's more than do-able. I'm beyond ecstatic except for the fact that we have another seven months in our current dump before we can even consider a move.
According to the lady at the school, I should hear something by August 10th. I doubt it'll happen, but I guess we'll see.
Now, lets just hope everything continues down this path of zero problems.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Another Huge Milestone
Aiden had his very first (real) babysitter Saturday night - marking yet another huge step toward being all growed up. The opportunity for Tom and I to let go of the reins a bit sort of forced itself on us due to my parents being out of town and his parents being at the same event that we were at. With our usual suspects being completely out of the picture, I had to recruit a dear high school friend to take care of him for a few hours.
Let me just explain this a bit: Tom and I don't usually do a whole lot without Aiden. Basically, if it ain't family-friendly, we ain't goin. And we like it that way because we would rather be spending time with him than doing much of anything else. On the rare occasion that we do go solo, our parents take over and do their grandparent thing. So to not be able to have Aiden with us, AND not have our parents for back-up was quite a big deal.
I'm aware that we sound completely pathetic, and that's okay with me. I have entered the parenting world in full-force and there's really no turning back at this point. I have no shame.
So, anyway, Amalia came over and we made chit-chat while she gave Aiden some dinner. I continued to lurk and and think of things that I "needed" to do before leaving. I wrote down directions and phone numbers. I gave insanely specific details about his bedtime and bottle habits that probably could have been left out. It was all pretty ridiculous considering he would only be awake for another hour or so and Tom and I would be home shortly thereafter.
I think I texted Amalia once an hour to check in.
Oh, so you'd like to know how it went? Perfectly fine. Aiden probably didn't even realize I was gone - he just had a new friend to play with! He did not scream and cry for his mommy, he did not refuse to go to bed, he did not do anything that should prevent me from leaving him with someone he doesn't know again.
Despite that, I think it'll be awhile before he has a babysitter again.
Let me just explain this a bit: Tom and I don't usually do a whole lot without Aiden. Basically, if it ain't family-friendly, we ain't goin. And we like it that way because we would rather be spending time with him than doing much of anything else. On the rare occasion that we do go solo, our parents take over and do their grandparent thing. So to not be able to have Aiden with us, AND not have our parents for back-up was quite a big deal.
I'm aware that we sound completely pathetic, and that's okay with me. I have entered the parenting world in full-force and there's really no turning back at this point. I have no shame.
So, anyway, Amalia came over and we made chit-chat while she gave Aiden some dinner. I continued to lurk and and think of things that I "needed" to do before leaving. I wrote down directions and phone numbers. I gave insanely specific details about his bedtime and bottle habits that probably could have been left out. It was all pretty ridiculous considering he would only be awake for another hour or so and Tom and I would be home shortly thereafter.
I think I texted Amalia once an hour to check in.
Oh, so you'd like to know how it went? Perfectly fine. Aiden probably didn't even realize I was gone - he just had a new friend to play with! He did not scream and cry for his mommy, he did not refuse to go to bed, he did not do anything that should prevent me from leaving him with someone he doesn't know again.
Despite that, I think it'll be awhile before he has a babysitter again.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In case anyone is DYING to comment...
I have really, seriously, 100% truthfully fixed the stupid thing so that you can indeed leave me some love notes.
If it still doesn't work, then it's either
a) User error
or b) Browser/internet/computer error
And unfortunately I am not able to fix either of those problems for you.
I have really, seriously, 100% truthfully fixed the stupid thing so that you can indeed leave me some love notes.
If it still doesn't work, then it's either
a) User error
or b) Browser/internet/computer error
And unfortunately I am not able to fix either of those problems for you.
My World Has Turned Upside Down
Well, this is it folks. My life is over because.....Aiden is CRAWLING. How can such a little, innocent baby create such chaos for his poor mom?
Here's how it played out: On Sunday Tom was taking care of Aiden in the morning for a bit while I took a small nap. When I woke up, Tom told me Aiden had been crawling. I basically yawned, ignored him, and thought he was exaggerating on Aiden's inchworm-like moves. So Monday rolls around, Tom goes to work, and Aiden and I go about our business. No crawling involved. We went to the mall with my mom, then came back here so she could fix my still smoking vacuum cleaner. The second she started playing with that vacuum, he started crawling. A bit wobbly still, but real, legitimate, crawling.
So my life flashed before my eyes as I realized what I am now up against. I thought he was trouble before, but he was just getting started. His favorite thing now that he can crawl to anything he wants? Power cords. Yep, my baby apparently likes to flirt with danger. There's numerous things he could get into, like disgusting garbage cans full of dirty Kleenex, or the smelly shoes by the door, but he has picked the worst of all of them as his favorite.
Not 24 hours later were we at Babies R Us stock piling on baby-proofing gear. I even managed to find a nifty cover for the outlets that completely disables him from pulling any plugs out of their damn sockets. It also completely disables me from pulling the plugs out of their sockets, but hey - at least the baby is safe.
I'm sure my baby-proofing days are far from over, but for now I think we're in relatively good shape. Lord help me if he ever decides that the toilet is an awesome place to quench his thirst or flush some of my jewelry.
Luckily, he's still "perfecting" his new art. He doesn't really crawl out of my eyesight (yet) - he just uses it as a way to get to things he can see. I'm not sure that he's figured out that he can get anywhere in the whole house if he pleases, but that's a-okay with me. He's not exactly quick about it yet, either, which is another huge bonus for me. My mom claims that he'll be racing around this place in a week. I sooooo hope she's wrong.
He's growing up way too fast for my liking.
Here's how it played out: On Sunday Tom was taking care of Aiden in the morning for a bit while I took a small nap. When I woke up, Tom told me Aiden had been crawling. I basically yawned, ignored him, and thought he was exaggerating on Aiden's inchworm-like moves. So Monday rolls around, Tom goes to work, and Aiden and I go about our business. No crawling involved. We went to the mall with my mom, then came back here so she could fix my still smoking vacuum cleaner. The second she started playing with that vacuum, he started crawling. A bit wobbly still, but real, legitimate, crawling.
So my life flashed before my eyes as I realized what I am now up against. I thought he was trouble before, but he was just getting started. His favorite thing now that he can crawl to anything he wants? Power cords. Yep, my baby apparently likes to flirt with danger. There's numerous things he could get into, like disgusting garbage cans full of dirty Kleenex, or the smelly shoes by the door, but he has picked the worst of all of them as his favorite.
Not 24 hours later were we at Babies R Us stock piling on baby-proofing gear. I even managed to find a nifty cover for the outlets that completely disables him from pulling any plugs out of their damn sockets. It also completely disables me from pulling the plugs out of their sockets, but hey - at least the baby is safe.
I'm sure my baby-proofing days are far from over, but for now I think we're in relatively good shape. Lord help me if he ever decides that the toilet is an awesome place to quench his thirst or flush some of my jewelry.
Luckily, he's still "perfecting" his new art. He doesn't really crawl out of my eyesight (yet) - he just uses it as a way to get to things he can see. I'm not sure that he's figured out that he can get anywhere in the whole house if he pleases, but that's a-okay with me. He's not exactly quick about it yet, either, which is another huge bonus for me. My mom claims that he'll be racing around this place in a week. I sooooo hope she's wrong.
He's growing up way too fast for my liking.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Around, Around, Around We Go....
Our insanely busy week has finally come to a close. It was fun (and exhausting) while it lasted though! Aiden is becoming quite the well-traveled little boy and he's definitely like me in that he prefers to be constantly on the go versus lazing around the house.
Some of the highlights included:

Checking out our states capital building - from the outside - with Jen (you can't see Aiden but I promise he was excited)

Playing with the drums at the Children's Museum (although that's pretty much all he could play with and we didn't stay very long because of it)
Going to Gymboree Play & Learn was probably Aiden's favorite activity. He got to kick a ball, play airplane on mommy, catch bubbles, sing, dance, clap, and practice crawling/walking up ramps. He laughed the entire time and seemed to be the life of the party. We've signed up for unlimited classes for a month, and I'm planning on dragging him to Mommy and Baby fitness on Tuesdays. We both had a BLAST though.
Aiden went to his Grandma Williams' house on Thursday so Tom and I could spend some time together. We went and checked out the brand new apartments that are being built on TT/Meadowbrook and fell madly in love with them. We're talking 9ft cielings, brand new appliances, secured entrance, TWO bathrooms, a breakfast bar, the ability to paint colors on the wall, a fitness center, giant windows, underground parking, and a washer and dryer in the unit! There was nothing we didn't like. So, hopefully we will be heading over yonder when our lease ends on this shithole. Anyway, despite the fact that we never wanted to leave that place, we decided to go paint pottery at A Touch of Glaze. Some stupid salt & pepper shakers took us like 3 hours to finish.

I'll let you take one guess as to who painted what
Then finally, today, we hiked it back over to Milwaukee to visit Mel and her new son Brendan at the hospital. I couldn't believe how TINY he was (Aiden was that small?? When??). Holding him increased my desire to have another one and I have noooooo idea how I'm going to wait the 2 years that I've already promised Tom. Aiden couldn't really figure out what was going on or why all the attention wasn't on him for once.
After the baby snuggles, we went to a flea market in Mukwonago with Tom's mom. It was perfect outside and Aiden was an angel the entire time.
Aiden has been passing out around 7pm every night due to all the fun and excitement. This week should be a bit more mellow, but I don't think that's such a good thing. We both get crabby when we're stuck in the house for too long.
I'm off to go relax and take a breather.
Some of the highlights included:
Checking out our states capital building - from the outside - with Jen (you can't see Aiden but I promise he was excited)
Playing with the drums at the Children's Museum (although that's pretty much all he could play with and we didn't stay very long because of it)
Going to Gymboree Play & Learn was probably Aiden's favorite activity. He got to kick a ball, play airplane on mommy, catch bubbles, sing, dance, clap, and practice crawling/walking up ramps. He laughed the entire time and seemed to be the life of the party. We've signed up for unlimited classes for a month, and I'm planning on dragging him to Mommy and Baby fitness on Tuesdays. We both had a BLAST though.
Aiden went to his Grandma Williams' house on Thursday so Tom and I could spend some time together. We went and checked out the brand new apartments that are being built on TT/Meadowbrook and fell madly in love with them. We're talking 9ft cielings, brand new appliances, secured entrance, TWO bathrooms, a breakfast bar, the ability to paint colors on the wall, a fitness center, giant windows, underground parking, and a washer and dryer in the unit! There was nothing we didn't like. So, hopefully we will be heading over yonder when our lease ends on this shithole. Anyway, despite the fact that we never wanted to leave that place, we decided to go paint pottery at A Touch of Glaze. Some stupid salt & pepper shakers took us like 3 hours to finish.
I'll let you take one guess as to who painted what
Then finally, today, we hiked it back over to Milwaukee to visit Mel and her new son Brendan at the hospital. I couldn't believe how TINY he was (Aiden was that small?? When??). Holding him increased my desire to have another one and I have noooooo idea how I'm going to wait the 2 years that I've already promised Tom. Aiden couldn't really figure out what was going on or why all the attention wasn't on him for once.
After the baby snuggles, we went to a flea market in Mukwonago with Tom's mom. It was perfect outside and Aiden was an angel the entire time.
Aiden has been passing out around 7pm every night due to all the fun and excitement. This week should be a bit more mellow, but I don't think that's such a good thing. We both get crabby when we're stuck in the house for too long.
I'm off to go relax and take a breather.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Cage 'em
Aiden and I are in for a big week!
Our fun-filled week includes:
In other news, Aiden is officially T-R-O-U-B-L-E. He can't technically crawl yet, but his inchworm and army-crawl get him pretty much wherever he wants to go. He seems to think the word 'No' is funny, which isn't real good when he's chewing on the power cord to the fan that's on. When I move him away from something he shouldn't be anywhere near, he inches his way back. And when I'm trying to change his diaper, he does everything in his power to make it as difficult as possible.
The icing on the cake, though, is naps and bedtime. He thinks it's pretty cool that he can get up on all fours and move around in his crib. So several times I walk in there (when he's supposed to be going to sleep) and see this:

(you can't really see, but he's up on his hands and knees)
and then his adorable fricken smile when he sees me which makes it impossible to be mad:

So I'm sure you can see the problem here.
I've decided he can hold off on the crawling for awhile, because he is way more than enough for me to handle right now. I might have to invest in one of these pretty soon:

Also of note,
And two of my notebooks are made from 100% recycled materials. How's that for going green? I got my pencils and my folders, so I'm all set. I give it 2 weeks before the school thing is wayyyyyyy old and I'm ready for Winter Break. That's pretty much how it always works. In fact, I don't know why I'm excited in the first place. I hate school. Ah well.
P.S. Apparently, the comment thinger was broken before, however it's been fixed, so comment away!
Our fun-filled week includes:
- A ride to Madison tomorrow to enjoy a day with my dear friend Jen at the free Zoo, and possibly a shopping trip along State St. if Aiden (and time) cooperates
- A ride in the opposite direction to Milwaukee on Thursday night to hit up the Betty Brinn Children's Museum during a free night
- Testing out a Gymboree Play & Music class (for free) on Friday to see if we'd like to become members and go every week (which unfortunately is not-so-free, hence testing it out first)
In other news, Aiden is officially T-R-O-U-B-L-E. He can't technically crawl yet, but his inchworm and army-crawl get him pretty much wherever he wants to go. He seems to think the word 'No' is funny, which isn't real good when he's chewing on the power cord to the fan that's on. When I move him away from something he shouldn't be anywhere near, he inches his way back. And when I'm trying to change his diaper, he does everything in his power to make it as difficult as possible.
The icing on the cake, though, is naps and bedtime. He thinks it's pretty cool that he can get up on all fours and move around in his crib. So several times I walk in there (when he's supposed to be going to sleep) and see this:
(you can't really see, but he's up on his hands and knees)
and then his adorable fricken smile when he sees me which makes it impossible to be mad:
So I'm sure you can see the problem here.
I've decided he can hold off on the crawling for awhile, because he is way more than enough for me to handle right now. I might have to invest in one of these pretty soon:

Also of note,
And two of my notebooks are made from 100% recycled materials. How's that for going green? I got my pencils and my folders, so I'm all set. I give it 2 weeks before the school thing is wayyyyyyy old and I'm ready for Winter Break. That's pretty much how it always works. In fact, I don't know why I'm excited in the first place. I hate school. Ah well.
P.S. Apparently, the comment thinger was broken before, however it's been fixed, so comment away!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You Are Now Entering: Domesticated Mommy World
I bid the bank farewell yesterday, which ended up being harder than I had anticipated due to my extreme lack of being able to deal with a) anything ending and b) changes. I don't think it's really sunk in that I don't have to go back - ever!
The first day on my new job of full-time mommy went pretty well. I accomplished (mostly) everything I needed to accomplish and kept the house clean at the same time. I even had lunch ready the second Tom walked in the door and had him gone within his 30 allotted minutes. I might actually be bordering on too domestic for my liking.
Tom, Aiden and I are heading over to his parents house for his sisters birthday dinner. I happened to find the PERFECT card that I geniusly decided to give to her from Aiden (there's a baby on the front saying "Wishing you the PERFECT BIRTHDAY!" and then the inside says "A bottle of your FAVORITE DRINK, a GOOD POO, then a TWO HOUR NAP!"), and then picked out one that would be from Tom and I. I put both of the cards on the kitchen counter and told Tom that he needed to sign our card. When I go to sign Aiden's card, I see that he has written all over the card I had perfectly planned out instead of writing in the card he was supposed to write in.
I hate it when my genius ideas are thrown to hell because of other people. I get so excited about how genius it is...and then it's ruined.
So I'm busy being mad at him right now.
But enough of that, here's the pictures from our lovely time at the Brewer game:

Dinner @ TGI Fridays - loved the view!

We got to watch Gallardo warm up while we were eating

Enjoying a tasty beverage and showing off a little boob
And, because I can't resist:

Monkey butt!!
The first day on my new job of full-time mommy went pretty well. I accomplished (mostly) everything I needed to accomplish and kept the house clean at the same time. I even had lunch ready the second Tom walked in the door and had him gone within his 30 allotted minutes. I might actually be bordering on too domestic for my liking.
Tom, Aiden and I are heading over to his parents house for his sisters birthday dinner. I happened to find the PERFECT card that I geniusly decided to give to her from Aiden (there's a baby on the front saying "Wishing you the PERFECT BIRTHDAY!" and then the inside says "A bottle of your FAVORITE DRINK, a GOOD POO, then a TWO HOUR NAP!"), and then picked out one that would be from Tom and I. I put both of the cards on the kitchen counter and told Tom that he needed to sign our card. When I go to sign Aiden's card, I see that he has written all over the card I had perfectly planned out instead of writing in the card he was supposed to write in.
I hate it when my genius ideas are thrown to hell because of other people. I get so excited about how genius it is...and then it's ruined.
So I'm busy being mad at him right now.
But enough of that, here's the pictures from our lovely time at the Brewer game:
Dinner @ TGI Fridays - loved the view!
We got to watch Gallardo warm up while we were eating
Enjoying a tasty beverage and showing off a little boob
And, because I can't resist:
Monkey butt!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
This is What I Get for Not Breastfeeding
Well, we made yet another trip to the ER with Aiden at like...8:00 pm last night.
Lets rewind a bit, though. On Sunday we got Aiden from my parents fresh from a 2 1/2 hour nap. All during our lunch he crabbed and cried and wanted to be held. So...fine...we brought him home and he took another 2 hour nap. He acted like his tummy hurt or something, but no big deal.
Yesterday he went to daycare, came home and passed out (because he never sleeps at daycare) and when I got home he was finally eating dinner. I looked at the sheet that daycare fills out and saw that he had FOUR poopy diapers while he was there. When I said something to Tom he replied "Yeah and I changed another one when we got home." WHAT?? Five poopy diapers in one day? That's a bit weird for me. To top it off, he wasn't very interested in his dinner and was again extremely crabby, so we warmed up a bottle and prepared him to go to bed.
I change his diaper and inside of it there's blood.
Blood. In my baby's diaper.
::insert image of me freaking the fuck out here::
I called the emergency paging system for the doctor, talked to the nurse, nurse said: Go to the ER. Go straight to the ER. Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. (Well, you know...)
So we went straight to the ER.
We waited around for awhile. The doctor came in, asked me questions, talked over me when I tried to answer, and told us he didn't think anything was wrong and we should go home. Seriously, he spent maybe two minutes in there with us. I spent the rest of the night FUMING. How can you not give a fuck about my baby?
Then today. When he wasn't sleeping, he was crying. And screaming. And crying more. He refused lunch - he only wanted a bottle, and even then he didn't want very much. Finally at 1:45 I was at my wits end and called the pediatrician. We were in the office by 2. His doctor is fearful that something is wrong (a bowel obstruction was mentioned), however she didn't feel like it was time to put him through testing yet. She wants us to wait it out a bit and see if things get better or worse. I'm not a huge fan of this idea but I guess I have nothing else to do.
I have the same feeling that I had when he had Whooping Cough and nobody was giving me any answers about anything: Something is wrong. I hate that he has to continue to suffer while the doctors waste time not listening to me.
Despite the rough day we had, and after much debate, Tom and I decided to go to the Brewers game that my parents got us tickets to. We ended up skipping the tailgating and just eating at TGI Fridays on the field (because I couldn't get out of the house long enough to get the food today). We ended up having a really good time. I almost got pelted with a baseball, but nonetheless, we had fun. We watched Gallardo practice while we ate, and we made it to our seats just in time for the first pitch. Seats were good - game kinda sucked. But oh well. It was fun just to get out and do something just as a couple. All of Aiden's reports from Grandma and Grandma came back good, too.
So the Aiden sickness saga continues. Hopefully not for much longer, though, because I don't know how much more either of us can take.
My last day of work starts in about 9 hours. A bittersweet symphony, indeed.
Lets rewind a bit, though. On Sunday we got Aiden from my parents fresh from a 2 1/2 hour nap. All during our lunch he crabbed and cried and wanted to be held. So...fine...we brought him home and he took another 2 hour nap. He acted like his tummy hurt or something, but no big deal.
Yesterday he went to daycare, came home and passed out (because he never sleeps at daycare) and when I got home he was finally eating dinner. I looked at the sheet that daycare fills out and saw that he had FOUR poopy diapers while he was there. When I said something to Tom he replied "Yeah and I changed another one when we got home." WHAT?? Five poopy diapers in one day? That's a bit weird for me. To top it off, he wasn't very interested in his dinner and was again extremely crabby, so we warmed up a bottle and prepared him to go to bed.
I change his diaper and inside of it there's blood.
Blood. In my baby's diaper.
::insert image of me freaking the fuck out here::
I called the emergency paging system for the doctor, talked to the nurse, nurse said: Go to the ER. Go straight to the ER. Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. (Well, you know...)
So we went straight to the ER.
We waited around for awhile. The doctor came in, asked me questions, talked over me when I tried to answer, and told us he didn't think anything was wrong and we should go home. Seriously, he spent maybe two minutes in there with us. I spent the rest of the night FUMING. How can you not give a fuck about my baby?
Then today. When he wasn't sleeping, he was crying. And screaming. And crying more. He refused lunch - he only wanted a bottle, and even then he didn't want very much. Finally at 1:45 I was at my wits end and called the pediatrician. We were in the office by 2. His doctor is fearful that something is wrong (a bowel obstruction was mentioned), however she didn't feel like it was time to put him through testing yet. She wants us to wait it out a bit and see if things get better or worse. I'm not a huge fan of this idea but I guess I have nothing else to do.
I have the same feeling that I had when he had Whooping Cough and nobody was giving me any answers about anything: Something is wrong. I hate that he has to continue to suffer while the doctors waste time not listening to me.
Despite the rough day we had, and after much debate, Tom and I decided to go to the Brewers game that my parents got us tickets to. We ended up skipping the tailgating and just eating at TGI Fridays on the field (because I couldn't get out of the house long enough to get the food today). We ended up having a really good time. I almost got pelted with a baseball, but nonetheless, we had fun. We watched Gallardo practice while we ate, and we made it to our seats just in time for the first pitch. Seats were good - game kinda sucked. But oh well. It was fun just to get out and do something just as a couple. All of Aiden's reports from Grandma and Grandma came back good, too.
So the Aiden sickness saga continues. Hopefully not for much longer, though, because I don't know how much more either of us can take.
My last day of work starts in about 9 hours. A bittersweet symphony, indeed.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Party Pooper

It's true, being a mom has officially changed my perspective on just about everything - including 4th of July fireworks. Last year at this time I was with a co-worker, driving to downtown Milwaukee, and running (literally!) towards the lakefront in desperate hopes of catching the fireworks. The gorgeous, magical fireworks.
This year? Well....bah humbug.
This year, the fireworks are a complete nuisance. Instead of wishing I was out enjoying the festivities, I find myself wondering why there isn't a curfew for these sorts of things. I mean, Aiden's bedtime is 8 o'clock...can't we be done making loud obnoxious noises by then? Is it necessary to blast off stupid little firecrackers at 10 pm? Don't these people know that my baby is trying to sleep?
I'm ready to label this holiday the most annoying holiday of all. I'm also ready for it to be over, which it's really not even close. If we're speaking in technical terms, it has even started yet.
I'm going to attempt to put my disdain for the holiday aside tomorrow morning and take Aiden to a parade. We're just gonna check out the lame old Delafield festivities considering he won't really care all that much anyway. Maybe next year we'll put some real effort into finding a bad-ass parade somewhere. I'm also going to try to enjoy some of these horrendous fireworks with Tom tomorrow evening, however I may just take out a giant firehose and spoil everybodys fun.

(What? That doesn't look like me with a giant firehose?)
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