The first day on my new job of full-time mommy went pretty well. I accomplished (mostly) everything I needed to accomplish and kept the house clean at the same time. I even had lunch ready the second Tom walked in the door and had him gone within his 30 allotted minutes. I might actually be bordering on too domestic for my liking.
Tom, Aiden and I are heading over to his parents house for his sisters birthday dinner. I happened to find the PERFECT card that I geniusly decided to give to her from Aiden (there's a baby on the front saying "Wishing you the PERFECT BIRTHDAY!" and then the inside says "A bottle of your FAVORITE DRINK, a GOOD POO, then a TWO HOUR NAP!"), and then picked out one that would be from Tom and I. I put both of the cards on the kitchen counter and told Tom that he needed to sign our card. When I go to sign Aiden's card, I see that he has written all over the card I had perfectly planned out instead of writing in the card he was supposed to write in.
I hate it when my genius ideas are thrown to hell because of other people. I get so excited about how genius it is...and then it's ruined.
So I'm busy being mad at him right now.
But enough of that, here's the pictures from our lovely time at the Brewer game:
Dinner @ TGI Fridays - loved the view!
We got to watch Gallardo warm up while we were eating
Enjoying a tasty beverage and showing off a little boob
And, because I can't resist:
Monkey butt!!
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