Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Moving On...(no pun intended)

It's time to talk about something other than the apartment situation, but don't be fooled into thinking that it's not still consuming my life.

For a brief moment I'm going to focus on the big hoorah that is going to be my last weekend before school starts. (I feel incredibly weird saying that.) We're driving into the great Up Nort' with my parents to visit with my crazy grandmother. Luckily we're staying in a hotel, and Tom, Aiden and I have our own room. It's going to be the only summer vacation for this year so I'm pretty happy that we're going. It will be Aiden's first stay in a hotel, and the hotel has a pool so swimming should be fun. We're also planning to go horseback riding and take a lap or two around the go-kart track.

Perfect timing, really, because we all need a break from life.

And speaking of a break - I have no idea what's going on with him, but Aiden is the KING of crabby lately. Maybe he was over-tired this afternoon, but not a single thing was making him happy and this seems to be a continuing problem. It could be teeth. It could be utter boredom. It could be something completely out of my realm of knowledge. Whatever it is, it's testing every level of my patience. Solution? Send baby to Grandma's for a fun afternoon while mommy gets her head back on straight. So that's what tomorrow has in store for us. I'll probably use the time to run some errands in preparation for our weekend. Me-time will be enjoyed no matter what I'm doing though.

I do have some sort of news on the apartment topic, but I'm not quite ready to share, so check back tomorrow for a potential update if all goes well.

1 comment:

  1. You know, before they can talk, you are so confused by what they are really feeling. Then they can talk but they have no idea if it is their mouth or their throat that hurts. Then they are older and you can't get them to shut up. Then you marry a man, and he is so whiny about what he needs you want to hit him with a pillow. There is no winning!
