I venture on, though.
In the midst of all the chaos was ToM's 21st BiRtHdAy (even more to add to my plate). Obviously since it was his 21st and last "awesome" birthday I had to put a bit of effort into it. I planned a surprise party for him that took place at the SafeHouse in Milwaukee. It was just family and two of his friends, but he totally loved it and it went off perfectly. I also managed to decorate the house, bake a double-layered cake and keep the house clean enough to have everyone over after dinner. (Which means yes, I entertained!)

My child is such a ham

I screwed up the wording so this is Plan B: The Van Goh cake
Then, on Sunday, even though I was already in over my head with things to do, we headed off to the Packers vs. Chicago game. We decided to hitch a ride with Tom's uncle in order to save gas, and because he pretty much rides in style (and hires a professional driver).

We had tickets to a tailgating party beforehand that had unlimited food and beverage, so we enjoyed that before taking a walk through BOTH Pro Shops (Aiden's the new owner of a #12 jersey) and then finally heading to our seats.

Drinking beer purely because he legally can - however nobody was doing any sort of carding. Why does that only happen AFTER he turns 21?

Hot and sweaty at a Packer game - very rare (dude directly behind me on my right was comparing Obama to Hitler. Hitler? Really?)
We didn't make it home until 3:30 due to insane traffic and the fact that we decided to ride in the party mobile. Monday was a complete waste of a day because I was physically ill from being so exhausted.
I am NOT cut out for late night fun anymore. Therefore we won't be attending any 7:00pm Packer games from now on, unless we have a hotel to stay in directly after.
With Monday being almost non-existant, the amount of work, school work, and other necessary tasks have built up to an un-manageable level. We have about two weeks before we move and yet that's still dead last on my list of concerns. The good news? After scrounging around the house for some baby-worthy food today, we finally made it to the store so Aiden won't starve.

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