Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yes or No, Dammit

It's been a crazy week, and finally here I sit, waiting to hear back from our mortgage broker on whether or not we'll be able to get the financing for a home. I've honestly been driving myself crazy trying to get everything figured out, so at this point I'm just ready to hear an answer either way and move on. Hanging out in limbo land and not having answers is the hardest part of it all.

If we get the green light, we're headed out to Johnson Creek tonight to make an offer on the house we visited last week. We've been moving in fast forward trying to get the financing secured because there was a ton of interest in the house, and sure enough an offer came in yesterday. I hate the idea of competing with another buyer, and it's just one more hurdle we have to get over after running quite a race already. If we don't get an answer tonight on whether our financing will work, I think we'll be able to bid the house farewell and mourn our loss.

I haven't figured out what will happen if we secure financing but get our offer rejected. There's another house that we looked at on Monday that I would be equally as happy with, I think. It's brand new, but it's in Ixonia vs. Johnson Creek. So do we put in an offer on that one? Or do we take our rejected offer as a sign that this isn't our time to buy a house?

I could probably spend all day going over the various scenarios in my head. I need to remind myself to take things as they come.

Meanwhile, I sit. And wait. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, even though I don't think those expectations will save me from being devastated should this all not work out.

My mom always tells me that if it's meant to be, it will be. I'm trying so hard to believe in that...

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