My plans for a fun-filled evening driving to the city, grabbing some dinner at a fun restaurant, and just enjoying our time, well - they went to complete shit.
Our drive started off fine. We listened to my CD of Nsync Christmas songs, made fun of the guy who was driving on the highway with a seatbelt hanging out of his car door, and planned our evening of fun. Once we neared Chicago-land, though, the fun officially stopped when we sat like this...:
...for at least an hour. We were at Exit 33 and needed to get to Exit 41. No big deal, right? Wrong. We actually got off early because, using my handy dandy GPS system on my iPhone, I found that we could take a different route that didn't involve an interstate. Unfortunately for us, my genius plan backfired because that road was just as busy and had stop lights.
Luckily for us, just as we were nearing Jenna's house, we saw this awesome sign:

If you can't quite make that out, it says SENIOR CITIZENS. Whhhaaa????!!?! They get their own signs??? I was rolling with laughter.
So we head two blocks up, and actually manage to find our way to this magical location. Great, right? Well, I have no idea where all these amazing restaurants are that he was talking about (probably the opposite direction than we turned), because we didn't find any. In attempt to turn around, we actually just went far out of the way, and gave up on the whole "two blocks away" idea. Then we spotted a cute little diner place that we decided to try. Problem? They claimed parking was on a certain street but I would have died before I found that street, and been re-incarnated before I was able to GET to the street.
We were both officially fed up with being lost, one way streets, and the traffic, so we decided to ditch the eating in Chicago thing and head for home.
I'll spare the story, but it took longer to get to the freeway than it took to get from the freeway. Then, we passed the entrance ramp to get on, turned around, and found that there was no way to get on from that direction. So we waited in ANOTHER traffic line once we turned around a mile away.
We ended up eating from a drive-thru once we got close to home.
The good news? The cake is here, in one piece, and it looks awesome.
Tom and I will be avoiding Chicago at all costs until we've recovered from our horrible experience.