Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Upcoming Events:

  • Road trip to Chicago tomorrow! Aiden's staying home with his grandma while we break into Jenna's house and steal his cake (which is amazing, I might add).

  • Thanksgiving Day - we get the honor of dog-sitting for my parents while they go on a quick vacay. Also, our new, retired, neighbors have chosen this day to move in. Who does that?

  • My dad flies in on Friday morning, so Aiden and I will be off to airport bright and early. Some delicious breakfast might be on the agenda, too.

  • Saturday, November 28th. My baby turns a year old! The festivities start at 3pm. For the record, I do not have any sort of a "menu" planned out, I'm a terrible hostess, and I'm sort of panicking.

At least I have the cake....almost...

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