Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dog Wars

There is no denying that Aiden loves dogs. He likes animals in general, but dogs have made his face light up since the day he was born (I'm serious!)

Now that we're relatively settled into our humble abode, we've begun to ask the question: Should we get a dog?

Up until...well...a few days ago maybe, I've been pretty anti-dog. Not because I don't like them, but because I'm not sure I want the responsibility right now. As seen with my parents, a dog can tie you down quite a bit. Paying for boarding when a vacation comes up, only being able to leave the house for a little bit because the dog needs to get let out, standing out in the freezing cold to let it do business, etc. I have my hands full with my troublemaker son, so a dog would be an interesting addition.

On the flip side, Tom and I are both dog people and we'd love to get one for Aiden to run around and play with. Plus, I freaked out about having a baby because I feared the responsibility, and now I would do anything for him. Maybe I'm just freaking out for no reason again.

We still have to get this approved with our landlords. I know they'll allow people to move in with dogs under 20 lbs, but will they be very thrilled if we purchase one while we're living here? Tom thinks our rent would increase, too.

Regardless, we have an appointment tomorrow to see some Bichon/Terrier mix puppies. I'm hoping they look like these cute little guys:

We went to a pet store today and fell in love with a Bichon/Yorkie mix that was a golden color, but they're trying to get $620 for her. Ouch!

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