Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Adopt This Dog! (But you must be exactly 26, have blue hair, and drive a convertible)

I have to say it:

No WONDER there are so many freaking dogs in rescue shelters and humane society's and wherever else. No WONDER people bite the bullet and head off to the pet store to get their new puppy, even though they know it'll be supporting a puppy mill. These stupid rescue places make it impossible to adopt from them.

I've probably contacted 20-30 shelters by now and I have yet to be offered a single dog to adopt. The process is quite lengthy, and that in itself is enough to scare most people off. Who wants to fill out multiple page applications, schedule a home visit, and wait for a "match" just to get a dog? But I was okay with that! I figured it would be worth it to know that I was giving a dog a home that would otherwise be living a miserable life. And I get that these people care about the dogs and want them to go to the best homes, so they have to have certain procedures to make sure of that. But how is it that out of all of those emails and phone calls, I still don't have a single dog to choose from?

One place says that they won't adopt to anyone who doesn't have a fenced in yard. That would mean that all renters without a fenced in yard would be unable to adopt. Including us. Stupid? I think so. Leashes work wonderfully.

Other places say they won't adopt to families with children under 8 or 10. While I sort of understand this, I don't think that every single dog they come in contact with would be bad with young children.

Then there's the places that refuse to do much of anything because Don't you understand, we have lives too! Okay, then why are you running a rescue shelter? If you can't process applications in a timely manner or help people out who want to adopt these animals, what's the point? They'll never get adopted then.

One place received my application for a dog, emailed me to say that someone would be calling to set up a home visit, and then never spoke to me again.

It's been the most frustrating experience I've had in quite awhile. The fact that I'm willing to go through their semi-ridiculous process to adopt a dog should be a huge clue that I'm probably a decent person. We're a loving family, and we want to give a dog a home. I don't understand where the problem is.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I wish you lived near me! We are having to get rid of our really terrific, better than my dreams, great with kids, dog. My son (2) has really bad asthma and they think pet dander is his trigger. The dog is with my ILs until we can find him a new home. It is so sad! The kids will really miss him!
