Saturday, January 2, 2010


It's been quite a week in our household, thanks to Senor Shmaiden.

We started off last Sunday with the beginning of his misery. There was no sleep to be had on Sunday night, and Tom promptly whisked Aiden off to the pediatrician on Monday. A positive strep test and some antibiotics later, we thought we were on the road to recovery.

The antibiotics refused to take any quick action on Aiden's throat, so Tuesday and Wednesday we spent the days snuggling in front of the TV, watching every episode of Wonderpets on the DVR. It was the only thing keeping him happy, and I didn't mind getting to hold my baby. The nights were still rough, with Aiden waking up to scream and cry every few hours. I had to hold back tears myself - I hate feeling so powerless to help my child.

Thursday showed some signs of hope! The toys were back out, and I could actually put Aiden down without him getting upset. He went to daycare and did fine. Surely he was better, I thought.

Yesterday we took a trip downhill again. He was screaming so hard and so much, and for no obvious reason. Nothing made him happy. Plus, his entire face and torso was covered in a spotty rash. By 7 o'clock at night we packed up and made the journey to the Children's Hospital urgent care. After a long wait with an exhausted baby, we were told he's probably allergic to the antibiotic he was given. They gave him some Benadryl and I reluctantly walked away with a (still) screaming child.

Not content with the answer I was given, we went back to the pediatrician this morning. Why am I not content? Because a simple allergy would not make my normally perfect, happy son turn into a screaming, crying, incosolable little boy. Something is wrong and I want an answer - stat!
The doctors answer today was that it's most likely teething. Okay, yeah, I'll buy that...slightly. I don't think it's the cause of the rash, and I still have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that we're missing something. He has 6 teeth now, and he has NEVER been this bad when he's been getting one in. Why would it be any different with these new ones? Sure he's been crabby, but a little Tylenol has always done the trick, and he was never screaming at the top of his lungs for hours upon hours.

It's all been pretty stressful for me, and I'm purely exhausted from the lack of the sleep, the worry, the pacing around the house holding Aiden, and the constant effort to remain patient and calm while my son cries relentlessly. I'm so thankful for Tom, who is always willing to take him while I gather my sanity, and who is WAY more patient than I will ever be. I would be going absolutely crazy if I didn't have him.

Whatever's going on, I hope we get back to some normalcy soon.

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