Thursday, December 31, 2009

When Did This Turn Into a Wedding Blog?

The following seems to be the story of my life (and therefore maybe I should start paying attention to it):

When I wrap my head around doing something, there's no turning back. Eventually it takes over my entire life as I research for hours on end in hopes of finding that perfect thing. For instance, when I decided it was time to get out of our *ahem* pieceofshit apartment and move. We literally spent every waking moment for weeks trying to find our next living quarters. It had to be perfect! No mistakes this time! And what if our perfect apartment was taken by somebody else in the 2 seconds that I was away from Craigslist?! Not gonna happen!

So what happened? One day, Tom and I were driving to his parents house - a route we take everyday - when we saw a For Rent sign. We followed the sign to the perfect house, for the perfect price, and now here we sit. All of that time endlessly pouring over newspapers and ads, and it ended up being so simple.

Once again, I have begun my obsessive search for all things perfect for our wedding. I started with the where. A couple dozen emails to hotels, golf clubs, botanical was already overwhelming.

And, once again, the answer was right under my nose.

Helllllllooooo Lauren?! You're stepdad is the CFO of a spectacular hotel! With spectacular areas for weddings!

48 hours later, we have the Gazebo and reception room reserved in my name. (Now I can officially freak out about this wedding thing really happening.)

Reception room

Another shot

Ceremony gazebo

Bottom line? It's a nicer place than we had ever expected to have for our cheapy little wedding. All made possible because the general manager of the hotel loves me (or so I'd like to think). We have no food and beverage minimum for the reception, no rental fee for the gazebo (that's $500 right there), and all of our decorative linens will be rented to us at cost. How much more perfect does it get?

So now I continue to deliberate over the theme. I'm not exactly sure how that answer will find its way to me, but maybe if I sit back and let it happen, I won't be disappointed.

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