Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve!

I feel like I was just freaking out at Target before Halloween had even arrived, finding the Christmas displays that were already up to be a bit, um...absurd. "But Christmas is so far away!"

Well, whadya know - Christmas Eve is among us and it hasn't felt like it's been that long.

Why does our tree look so skinny in this picture??

The roads were completely empty as I drove into work this morning. Yes, you heard me right, I had to work today. Luckily it was only a 1/2 day, and we're still in training so it required no real "work" to be done. Even better: I'm getting paid as I type this.

Aiden slept over at his Grams and Gramps last night, and we have a family event starting at 6 o'clock, so Tom and I are completely free to do whatever we want on this day-before-Christmas. First on the list? Cleaning! Much to Tom's dismay, of course, but he still pitched in (and this is why I love the man).

I think we'll spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing. =)

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