Saturday, December 12, 2009

Workday Birthday

I promise I'm alive! Which also means,

I made it through my first week of work!

My 21st birthday was conveniently placed right in the middle of the work week. I can't say the day itself was particularily exciting. The lovely people that I'm training with joined me for some lunch, and then my dad and his English lady friend, Heather, took Tom, Aiden and I out for a delicious dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Heather came to Wisconsin specifically for my birthday, and it was by far the biggest treat I've had in a LONG time. I ordered one froofy, girly, blended drink and called it a night with the 'I'm Legal!' celebration.

For what it's worth, it was one of the better drinks I've ever had...

Tom and I came home and opened my present from him/his mom. I am now the proud owner of one of these:
Which means I can now grab a Wii Fit and hopefully look as good as this lady while playing it:

Unfortunately for Tom and me, we were too pooped to even open the stupid box, much less play anything. I think I was in bed shortly after 9 o'clock. On my 21st birthday. I know, I'm pretty hardcore. Too bad I wouldn't have it any other way.

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