Thursday, December 3, 2009

Career Woman

Aiden's first birthday party was a raving success (and with the amount of toys he got, I'm sure he would agree). Our cozy little house was stuffed to the max with people ranging from friends, to family, to friends of the family. I'm so happy that everyone came out to celebrate with us!

I've been so busy with other things that I haven't had time to finish going through all of the pictures yet. When I do, they'll definitely be posted here. But I'm not planning to half-ass it.

So these other things....
I scored an interview at M&I Bank for Monday. The position was for a Call Center Representative/Personal Banker. I thought it was a pretty good sign that I even got a call for an interview, so I walked in relatively confident in myself. I interviewed with someone in HR before being sent to another building to interview with the manager of the call center. I then interviewed with a third person before finally being allowed to go home (and pee!) two hours later. I was told I would hear back within a few days, but they called and offered the job by 4pm that day. Job starts December 8th.

*Cue panic mode*

Finding childcare in the matter of a week? An impossible task, I thought. Tom and I scrambled to figure out how we could handle next week without needing daycare and I raced off to all sorts of daycare facilities to conduct my interviews. I even begged our pediatrician for some recommendations while we were at Aiden's 12 month check-up.

[Aiden's stats are officially as follows: HUGE head, average weight, relatively tall, but perfect in every way]

We picked out a brand new daycare that has video monitoring for parents to log into during the day and check on their child, but it's pretty far out of the way. If we go with an actual daycare center, the drive is the least of my worries.

BUT, as usual, I decided to second-guess myself. I looked on Craigslist and noticed an ad for a nanny in the area. I priced out what it would be to have her watch Aiden in our home, and sure enough, it's about the same as daycare. So now I'm thinking: do I go for the nanny? I'll spare you the boring pro's and con's list, but there really isn't a perfect situation in my opinion. I've been getting a lot of advice on the topic, and nobody seems to agree on one over the other. (Why can't anybody ever make this stuff easy for me?)

And so now I figure, if I'm considering two options, what's throwing one more option in there? Let's consider an in-home daycare, too.

I went from having my decision made to being back at square one.

No matter what we choose for Aiden, I can guarantee that life is about to get relatively crazy.


  1. I worked in a Call Center for a year after college and you'll need some licorice tea -it totally helped me talk all-day everyday even when my throat was raw. Good luck finding the perfect childcare!

  2. Hi, Lauren! Thanks for checking out my blog. I look forward to stalking you, too! :) Good luck with finding a good childcare situation. You are absolutely right -- a perfect childcare situation doesn't exist (trust me, I know). But I hope you find comfort in whatever decision you guys make.

    And congrats and good luck on the new job! Remember when you have those long, hard days, that your primary purpose on this Earth is waiting at home (or at daycare) for you. Give him your 100% happy self, even if you feel like you're 50% and tired as heck. And believe me -- you won't even have to try. You'd be surprised how when you see that sweet little face, your tank goes back on full! :)

    Have a great weekend!
